I was wondering if it is possible to access the gpio, i2C, uart, etc. on the beaglebone black using Java ME embedded. I know that it is possible with the Java Native Access, but now there is an API Device I/O 1.0 wich is included in the Java ME Embedded 8. Has anyone any experience with this? I'm running debian on my beaglebone black.
JavaME Embedded 8.1 is only supported on RaspberryPi running on Linux for now (as well as on some other non linux embedded board).
I have not tested using the RPi runtime with another linux board (Beagleboard for example), but I think it will definitively not work out of the box. Depending on how runtime is implemented, access to lowlevel IO such as GPIO or I2C can be platform-dependent.
Note the Device/IO API is getting integrated to OpenJDK implementation of Java platform (so this API is not specific to JavaME). But here too, this is limited to RaspberryPi.