I'm currently taking a course in Software Engineering (I have to). We have a whole bunch of tasks which require us to use design patterns in Java. Normally I'm just a PHP developer, so I don't have many skills in Java, which may be a problem.
The specific problem is: We have to use the composite pattern for following problem: Create a mathematic framework to solve terms. The term could be Number (double) or "/", "-" which connect two terms, or "sin" which uses one Term.
I have to create a UML Class Diagram to. Which is this
I'm not sure if this is right. The two main questions I got about my class diagram are:
method and make sure there are exactly 1/2 items in the list?Am I doing it right, or did I follow a bad/wrong approach?
Thank you
The composite pattern really doesn't place any restrictions on how you represent the children of a composite node. In your case you could either have classes representing unary and binary operations or have separate classes for each operation.
The second option would look something like:
interface Term {
double getValue();
class Constant implements Term {
private double value;
public double getValue() {
return value;
class Divide implements Term {
private Term numerator;
private Term denominator;
public double getValue() {
return numerator.getValue() / denominator.getValue();
This is probably the closest representation of your UML. In this case there's no advantage in modelling the child terms as a List
The other option I mentioned (which I would not recommend) is to have UnaryOperation
and BinaryOperation
classes and then define and enum
for the operations. In this case the operation enumeration would contain the actual calculation logic. I think that's unnecessarily complex for your needs unless you have a large number of operations.