I'm building a little game where the user has buy items to furnish his house.
I have a lot of items/images; so I decided to use, for each of them, a "matte" (an image) that would define the hoverable zone, rather than drawing a map area for each image.
Example : here's the displayed couch, and its matte.
I "convert" the matte into a canvas element, and will check later if the hovered pixel is transparent to detect if the item is hovered.
The second thing is that a lot of items are overlapping, so I also need to check which layer is on top.
I have mousemove event (jQuery) on the house element; bound with the function getObjectsUnderMouse().
Basically, this is how getObjectsUnderMouse() works :
I was quite happy with my code, which was quite a challenge but works perfectly on Chrome.
The problem I have is that it is slower elsewhere (not a so big deal), but; above all, seems to crash on ipad; and I need my game to run on ipad... :/
Does anyone knows why or have a better solution for this ?
Here's a demo of the game, and here's the javascript file where you can have a look at getObjectsUnderMouse().
Any advice is welcome !
Although a matte canvas contains the information you need to hit-test, keeping a full sized canvas for each matte is expensive in terms of memory. Keeping a canvas for each matte is likely using more resources than your iPad can handle.
Here's a way to greatly reduce your memory usage:
First, crop any extra transparent space out of each of your objects. For example, your couch is 600x400=240000 pixels, but cropping away the empty space shrinks the image to 612x163=99756 pixels. That's a savings of 58% over the original image size. Less pixels means less memory for a matte.
Instead of keeping a full-sized canvas for each object, instead keep an array for each object which only contains the opacity of each pixel in that image. An array value of 1 indicates that pixel is opaque (and is part of the object). An array value of 0 indicates that pixel is transparent (no part of the object is at this pixel).
Then hit-test against the pixel array instead of hit-testing against a matte canvas.
If you test the arrays in z-index order, you can even tell which object is on top of another object.
Here's example code and a Demo:
var canvas=document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx=canvas.getContext("2d");
var cw=canvas.width;
var ch=canvas.height;
var $canvas=$("#canvas");
var canvasOffset=$canvas.offset();
var offsetX=canvasOffset.left;
var offsetY=canvasOffset.top;
// display which object the mouse is over
var $result=$('#result');
// create an array of target objects
var targets=[];
targets.push({ name:'couch', x:25, y:50, hitArray:[], url:'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/139992952/multple/couch.png' });
targets.push({ name:'lamp', x:50, y:30, hitArray:[], url:'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/139992952/multple/lamp.png' });
var imgCount=targets.length;
// load the image associated with each target object
for(var i=0;i<targets.length;i++){
var t=targets[i];
t.image=new Image();
// this is called when each image is fully loaded
function start(){
// return if all target images are not loaded
// make hit arrays for all targets
for(var i=0;i<targets.length;i++){
var t=targets[i];
// resize the canvas back to its original size
// draw all targets on the canvas
for(var i=0;i<targets.length;i++){
var t=targets[i];
// listen for events
// Draw a target image on a canvas
// Get the imageData of that canvas
// Make an array containing the opacity of each pixel on the canvas
// ( 0==pixel is not part of the object, 1==pixel is part of the object)
function makeHitArray(img){
var a=[];
var data=ctx.getImageData(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height).data;
for(var i=0;i<data.length;i+=4){
// if this pixel is mostly opaque push 1 else push 0
function handleMouseMove(e){
// tell the browser we're handling this event
// get the mouse position
// Test the mouse position against each object's pixel array
// Report hitting the topmost object if 2+ objects overlap
var hit='Not hovering';
for(var i=0;i<targets.length;i++){
var t=targets[i];
var imgX=mouseX-t.x;
var imgY=mouseY-t.y;
if(imgX<=t.width && imgY<=t.height){
var hitArrayIndex=imgY*t.width+imgX;
hit='Hovering over '+t.name;
body{ background-color: ivory; padding:10px; }
#canvas{border:1px solid red;}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<h4 id='result'>Move mouse over objects.</h4>
<canvas id="canvas" width=450 height=250></canvas>