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fluentd loses milliseconds and now log messages are stored out of order in elasticsearch

I am using fluentd to centralize log messages in elasticsearch and view them with kibana. When I view log messages, messages that occured in the same second are out of order and the milliseconds in @timestamp is all zeros

2015-01-13T11:54:01.000-06:00   DEBUG   my message

How do I get fluentd to store milliseconds?


  • fluentd does not currently support sub-second resolution:

    I worked around this by adding a new field to all of the log messages with record_reformer to store nanoseconds since epoch

    For example if your fluentd has some inputs like so:

    # Syslog
        type syslog
        port 5140
        bind localhost
        tag syslog
    # Tomcat log4j json output
        type tail
        path /home/foo/logs/catalina-json.out
        pos_file /home/foo/logs/fluentd.pos
        tag tomcat
        format json
        time_key @timestamp
        time_format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%Z"

    Then change them to look like this and add a record_reformer that adds a nanosecond field

    # Syslog
        type syslog
        port 5140
        bind localhost
        tag cleanup.syslog
    # Tomcat log4j json output
        type tail
        path /home/foo/logs/catalina-json.out
        pos_file /home/foo/logs/fluentd.pos
        tag cleanup.tomcat
        format json
        time_key @timestamp
        time_format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%Z"
    <match cleanup.**>
        type record_reformer
        time_nano ${t =; ((t.to_i * 1000000000) + t.nsec).to_s}
        tag ${tag_suffix[1]}

    Then add the time_nano field to your kibana dashboards and use it to sort instead of @timestamp and everything will be in order.