I am new to grunt (literally installed it today and using it) and its great, but i cannot work out something.
I have an angularJs project and i would like to concat all my javascript files into 3 files overall.
So i would have
"base" - all the vendor javascript files for plugins etc
"app" - all the controllers etc used by all users
"admin" - all the controllers etc used but only ever accessed by administrators
Now i have install grunt and setup my task for concat, but how can i have multiple dest and src attributes?
Example of grunt file
// Metadata
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
concat: {
options: {
stripBanners: true
dist: {
src: ['Scripts/jquery-*.js', '!Scripts/jquery-*.min.*', '!Scripts/jquery-*.intellisense.*', 'Scripts/bootstrap.js', 'Scripts/respond.js', 'js/**/*.js'],
dest: 'dist/app.js'
distCss: {
src: ['Content/bootstrap.css', 'Content/site.css'],
dest: 'dist/app.css'
Once i have figured this out, can i then have multiple ugilify attributes to ugilify each js file created?
you can set up seperate tasks to perform when ever you run grunt. each task will concatenate different sources.
from grunt-contrib-concat:
In this example, running grunt concat will build two separate files. One "basic" version, with the main file essentially just copied to dist/basic.js, and another "with_extras" concatenated version written to dist/with_extras.js.
concat: {
basic: {
src: ['src/main.js'],
dest: 'dist/basic.js',
extras: {
src: ['src/main.js', 'src/extras.js'],
dest: 'dist/with_extras.js',
after which you need to use grunt-contrib-uglify plugin to minify the output files from grunt-concat.