I have checked using Firebug, and I get the following message:
Reload the page to get source for: https://IP ADDRESS/var/www/css/style.css
There is no reload button in Firebug, and refreshing the page returns the same error. The address is correct. I changed it to test it and received a 404 error instead of the page refresh error. However, I also receive a 404 error if I try to access the address through my browser.
I am hosting this locally on a virtual machine running LAMP on Ubuntu Server and have enabled full permissions (for testing purposes only) without luck.
Note that everything styles fine if I load my local files.
Anyone have any suggestions?
If you're using Apache you're going to need to set it up to serve static files if you want to link to a CSS file. There's a bit of info here that might get you started:
The example configuration setting up a proxy described there looks like this:
<VirtualHost *>
# set server name
ProxyPreserveHost On
ServerName www.appname.com
# configure static file serving
DocumentRoot /srv/appname/web
<Directory /srv/appname/web>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
# rewrite incoming requests
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond /srv/appname/web%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://localhost:8080/appname/$1 [proxy,last]
This sets the document root for the site to /srv/appname/web
, allows access from every source and rewrites requests to be served from http://localhost:8080/appname/