I am using EGit on Eclipse v4.3 (Kepler). I want to commit and push my changes. I do a pull first and one file is conflicting. After manually resolving the conflict (local and remote are the same now), I am still running into problems.
Here are the error messages for each action:
Push to upstream
master: master [rejected - non-fast-forward]
Cannot pull into a repository with state: MERGING_RESOLVED
Mark as merged
Failed to add resource to index Failed to add resource to index Exception caught during execution of add command
Hard reset
An internal error occurred during: "Resetting to refs/heads/master". Exception caught during execution of reset command. {0}
How can I remove the conflict and push my changes? What am I doing wrong?
Are you using the Team Synchronise view? If so that's the problem. Conflict resolution in the Team Synchronise view doesn't work with EGit. Instead you need to use the Git Repository view.
Open the Git perspective. In the Git Repository view, go to on Branches → Local → master and right click → Merge...
It should auto select Remote Tracking → origin/master
. Press Merge.
It should show result:conflict
Open the conflicting files. They should have an old sk000l >>>> ===== <<<< style merge conflict in the files. Edit the file to resolve the conflict, and save.
Now in the 'Git Staging' view, it should show the changed file in 'Unstaged Changes'. Right click and 'Add to Index'
Repeat for any remaining files.
Now from the 'git staging' view, commit and push. As Git/Eclipse now knows that you have merged the remote origin changes into your master, you should avoid the non-fast-forward error.
Instead of editing the conflicted file directly, you can use replace with -> ours/theirs to accept one version of all conflicts