I am trying to create a login page by asking for a user's credentials and then attempting to find that user in a mongoDB collection. I cannot get a single object returned from mongoDB, but rather the entire user list.
The html, set up using Jade, looks like this:
//User Login Page
h2 User Login
input#inputUsername(type='text', placeholder='Username')
button#btnLogin Login
// /User Login
And the JavaScript side looks like this:
//Request user credentials on button click
function loginRequest() {
var userCreds = {
'username': $('#login fieldset input#inputUsername').val()
$.getJSON('/users/loginRequest', userCreds, function (data) {
Which, using Express and Mongoskin, is routed to this:
//GET Login User
router.get('/loginRequest', function (req, res) {
var db = req.db;
db.collection('authorizedUsers').find(req.body).toArray(function (err, items) {
The issue is I have been unable to correctly pass the specific login information (username) to the GET request. A non-finding request will return all users in the collection and I could search that returned array, but in the case of hundreds of users, that doesn't seem to be the best option. How do I correctly make the GET request using Express routes and Mongoskin?
Thank you.
You should use the findOne method, and pass the input value using name="username", them acess the value in your routes with req.param("username");
Use this code:
h2 User Login
form(role='form', method='get', action='/users/loginRequest')
input#inputUsername(name='username', type='text', placeholder='Username')
button#btnLogin(type='submit') Login
And in your route:
router.get('/loginRequest', function (req, res) {
var username = req.param("username");
db.collection('authorizedUsers').findOne(username: username}, function(err, items) {
if(err) {
return console.log('findOne error:', err);
else {
Also, this code will protect your sensitive data.