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Error validation is incremented and duplicated

Somehow my error validations are duplicated when I use valid global variable like below

var (
    valid validation.Validation

func validationInit() validation.Validation {
    valid := validation.Validation{}
    return valid

But when I move valid := validation.Validation{} to my model function it works fine without any duplicates like below:

func AddClub(name string) (id int64, error []*validation.ValidationError) {
    club := Club{Name: name}
    valid := validation.Validation{}

How am I able to not duplicate this valid across each function but reuse variable without results being incremented and duplicated?


  • Since your validationInit() func returns a validation.Validation value and not a pointer to it, you cannot return the same global variable from multiple functions or from multiple invocations of the same function.

    If you really want this, you have to return a pointer to the global variable, else a copy of the value of the global variable will be returned.


    var valid validation.Validation
    func someFunc() *valid.Validation {
        // You can access the global variable valid here, you can also modify it
        return &valid

    But this is most likely not what you want. This would not allow you to have 2 different validation.Validation values exist at the same time returned by your functions.

    I suggest you to leave out the global variable, and just create a new validation.Validation value each time it is needed and return that new value (either by value or a pointer to it).