I'm tryin to make a custom, clickable font to my game (for the menu, like: PLAY -> goes to playscreen), I've tryied with FreeType but when i make a new text with it, it uses a lot of memory on android. Can you suggest me a proper way to create a clickable texts from .ttf files? I did in this way:
I have a Box class:
public class Box {
protected float x;
protected float y;
protected float width;
protected float height;
public boolean contains(float x, float y) {
return x > this.x - width / 2 &&
x < this.x + width / 2 &&
y > this.y - height / 2 &&
y < this.y + height / 2;
Then the Texts class and its extends the box, so when i create a new Text, i can call .contains(x,y) so i can make the text clickable:
public class Texts extends Box{
private String text;
private int size;
private float density;
private int dpSize;
private BitmapFont font;
private FreeTypeFontGenerator generator;
private FreeTypeFontParameter parameter;
public Texts(String text, int size, float x ,float y){
this.text = text;
this.size = size;
generator = new FreeTypeFontGenerator(Gdx.files.internal("myfont.ttf"));
parameter = new FreeTypeFontParameter();
parameter.size = size;
dpSize = parameter.size;
font = generator.generateFont(parameter);
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = font.getBounds(text).width;
this.height = font.getBounds(text).height;
public void render(SpriteBatch sb){
font.draw(sb, text, x - width / 2 , y + height /2);
public void renderNoCenter(SpriteBatch sb){
font.draw(sb, text, x , y);
public float getWidth(){
return this.width;
public float getHeight(){
return this.height;
public void setText(String text){
this.text = text;
public void setXY(float x, float y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public void update(float dt){
public int getDpSize(){
return dpSize;
public void dispose(){
But when i create a new texts like this, the app consume + 12mb RAM / Texts:
Texts play = new Texts("PLAY", 200, 200, 80);
Texts options= new Texts("OPTIONS", 200, 200, 20);
So thats my, problem, thanks for the help!
Generating fonts at 200 pixels will fill up your video memory with rather big pages of bitmap font glyphs. If you use lots of different font types and/or scales (or just one big scaled font) you might want to look into implementing distance field fonts. Look at this answer: How to draw smooth text in libgdx?
Another option would be to create images and use Scene2d ImageButton in stead of clickable text.