I'm currently trying to make a user settings page. On this page, the user can change his email by pressing a button that open a popup. On this popup, he should be able to type his new email. The problem is, when I press the Alt key, I lose the focus of the input. So... I can't type any email address because I can't add an "@" (Yes, I'm French and I have an AZERTY keyboard :/).
My question is : what can I do to not lose the focus ?
I develop my web app in Meteor and Jade. Here is my popup template :
td {{_ "current_mail" }} :
td {{_ "new_mail" }} :
input.black#new-mail(type="text" name="mail")
And my controller :
Template.change_mail.rendered = function ()
document.getElementById('new-mail').focus(); // Don't work
"click #change_mail": function (event, template)
var user = Meteor.user();
title : t('change_mail'),
message : "<div id='dialogNode'></div>",
className : "info-popup",
buttons :
cancel :
label : t('back'),
className : "btn-default btn-lg"
success :
label : t('update'),
className : "btn-info btn-lg",
callback : function ()
var mail = $("#new-mail").val();
if (mail === "")
Meteor.call('updateMail', user._id, mail);
displayPopup(t("success"), t("success_change_mail"), t("ok"), "btn-success btn-lg", "success-popup");
Blaze.render(Template.change_mail, $("#dialogNode")[0]);
EDIT : I tried to change the library, using Magnific Popup. I get focus when the popup is open but I lost it immediately. Anyway, I lost focus on both when I press Alt key. I don't understand why.
It's because you are using Ubuntu. On ubuntu the alt key is a system key that is binded to "type you command".
Reference: https://github.com/Guake/guake/issues/352
So if your customers are not using ubuntu + Azerty keyboard, it's fine.
As a dirty fix, you can catch an event when a key is pressed and if this key is alt, just force the focus with