This is my html for which I want the filter to execute:
<div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-15 previewBtnCont" ng-repeat="category in NavigationModel.pageArray" >
<button class="btn btn-lrg previewContentBtns" >
<div ng-bind="category.categoryDescription|filterPreviewBtnLabels"></div>
The logic is that if the button label is more than 10 characters, then from 11th character onwards it goes to the next line. The filter I wrote is working but the line break "
" is displaying as a string rather than acting as a line break. The filter function is:
common.filter('filterPreviewBtnLabels', function () {
var testString = "Hello";
return function(value){
if (!angular.isString(value)) {
return value;
return value + "<br>" + testString;
If button label is Chicken it should display "Chicken" line break and then "Hello" but it is simply displaying "Chicken
Any assistance is most welcome.
If you want to introduce <br/>
into the text then you need to use ng-bind-html
directive to output HTML, instead of {{value}}
Assuming the source of the button text is trusted (i.e. not originally coming from the user or another third party source), you'd need to use $sce
service to "trust" the resulting value as HTML: $sce.trustAsHtml
Here's an example that puts <br/>
instead of space:
app.filter("break", function($sce){
return function(value){
if (!angular.isString(value)) return value;
return $sce.trustAsHtml(value.split(" ").join("<br/>"));
And this is the usage:
<button ng-bind-html="name | break"></button>
Plunker to illustrate