i have this Wireshark snapshot and im trying to filter for the mdns protocol by just typing: mdns but it's not working. however filtering for http is working fine. whats am i doing wrong? Thanks ![wireshark error] https://www.dropbox.com/s/4zt6nf3f66te5ka/wireshar_pic.PNG?dl=0
Although the Protocol column shows "MDNS", the actual Protocol "field" for display filters to match is "dns
", as far as Wireshark is concerned. So using a display filter of "dns
" will match DNS packets, including MDNS. To then narrow it down to only MDNS, add the UDP port number of 5353, so the final display filter would be:
dns and udp.port == 5353
...or just "udp.port == 5353
" since that's going to be MDNS normally.