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How to add a pulldown button in a view's toolbar?

I need to add a pulldown button to a view's toolbar in an Eclipse plugin.

Actually buttons in the toolbar are added like that :

<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.viewActions">
  <viewContribution id="..." targetId="$MyViewId$">
    <action id="..."
            class="Class extending Action and implementing IViewActionDelegate">


  • I've figured it out. Two ways: one using org.eclipse.ui.viewActions extension, the other with org.eclipse.ui.menus

    Using org.eclipse.ui.viewActions extension (eclipse >= 3.5)

    • action's style must set to pulldown
        <extension point="org.eclipse.ui.viewActions">
          <viewContribution id="..." targetId="$MyViewId$">
            <action id="..."
    • action class must implement IViewActionDelegate (required for an action contributing to a view toolbar) and IMenuCreator (defines the menu behavior).
        public class RetrieveViolationsViewActionDelegate implements IViewActionDelegate, IMenuCreator
          private IAction action;
          private Menu menu;
          // IViewActionDelegate methods
          // IMenuCreator methods
          public void selectionChanged(IAction action, ISelection selection)
            if (action != this.action)
              this.action = action;
          public void dispose()
            if (menu != null)
          public Menu getMenu(Control parent)
            Menu menu = new Menu(parent);
            addActionToMenu(menu, new ClassImplemententingIAction());
            return menu;
          public Menu getMenu(Menu parent)
            // Not use
            return null;
          private void addActionToMenu(Menu menu, IAction action)
            ActionContributionItem item= new ActionContributionItem(action);
            item.fill(menu, -1);

    Using org.eclipse.ui.menus (eclipse >= 3.3)

    • Add a new menucontribution to the org.eclipse.ui.menus extension point.
    • Set the location URI to toolbar:IdOfYourView
    • Add a toolbar to this extension and a new command to this new toolbar.
    • Change the command style to pulldown
    • Create a new menucontribution and set the locationURI to menu:IdOfThePullDownCommand
    • Add commands to this menu.

    More info