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Webdriver - HTTP authentication dialog

I have a very simple selenium-webdriver script. I would like to do HTTP authentication using webdriver.


WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();  




org.openqa.selenium.NoAlertPresentException: No alert is present


  • Does Webdriver find only an alert dialog as alert?
  • What are my options to automate this without using AutoIt OR http:// username:password @somesite


Alert has below method and does not seem to have been implemented yet.

driver.switchTo().alert().authenticateUsing(new UsernameAndPassword("username","password"))


  • The problem is that this is not a javascript popup hence you cannot manipulate it via selenium's alert().

    If both AutoIt and submitting credentials in the URL (the easiest option - just open up the url and click "Display Image") are not options for you, another approach could be to use AutoAuth firefox addon to automatically submit the previously saved credentials:

    AutoAuth automatically submits HTTP authentication dialogs when you’ve chosen to have the browser save your login information. (If you’ve already told the browser what your username and password are, and you’ve told it to remember that username and password, why not just have it automatically submit it instead of asking you each time?)

    Following the answer suggested in HTTP Basic Auth via URL in Firefox does not work? thread:

    • Install AutoAuth Firefox plugin;
    • Visit the site where the authentication is needed. Enter your username and password and make sure to choose to save the credentials;
    • Save AutoAuth installation file at your hard drive: at the plugin page, right click at “Add to Firefox” and “Save link as”;
    • Instantiate Firefox webdriver as following:
    FirefoxProfile firefoxProfile = new ProfilesIni().getProfile("default");
    File pluginAutoAuth = new File("src/test/resources/autoauth-2.1-fx+fn.xpi");
    driver = new FirefoxDriver(firefoxProfile);

    Also, in a way similar to AutoIt option - you can use sikuli screen recognition and automation tool to submit the credentials in the popup.

    Also see other ideas and options: