I am trying SSO between my application and zendesk
. I am using openam
for this purpose. Suppose app is deployed as app.myapp.com
. And I want to have SSO feature with zendesk, whose URL could be something like accountname.zendesk.com
. How do I setup openam configurations?
Whatever I have read in documentation is that, there should be a server with openam installed on it. And this will serve as Hosted Identity Provider. Now zendesk is going to be a service provider. This will be remote service provider. So how do I set this up? Should there be another instance of openam acting as remote service provider?
I tried configuring openam
for 2 days, but openam documents are too abstract and I couldn't get it to work. Then I tried SSO using JWT i.e. JSON Web Token
. Now Single sign on
between my application and Zendesk
is working fine.