I am breeze entity manager to check if there are changes made to entity. So i declare observable
isSomeChanged = ko.observable()
Then i tie value like this
Html is
<button data-bind="click: SaveData, enable: isSomeChanged() "> Save</button>
So now if i changed something in my page then it enables or disables button. But if i type something in input then button is enabled only when i tab out and not as soon as i typed.
How can i enable save button as soon as something is typed?
Make sure your isSomeChanged observable is updated when the breeze EntityManager's hasChanges property changes:
isSomeChanged = ko.observable();
// update the isSomeChanged observable when the hasChangesChanged event fires.
function(changeArgs) {
Ensure your input's value binding has a corresponding valueUpdate parameter set to "input". This will cause each change to the input is written to the entity property immediately instead of when the input loses focus.
<input data-bind="value: entity.FirstName, valueUpdate: 'input'" />
Also, your button's enable binding can be expressed like this (no need for the parens):
<button data-bind="click: SaveData, enable: isSomeChanged">Save</button>