I am trying to make a server using Java that runs on a Linux machine and I would like my server to support Git in a similar fashion to GitHub. I have figured out a lot of things to achieve this but there is one thing I would like to know...
Assuming I have the following Git object (with a header) deflated and stored in the file system.
tree d35e45b7a3ec1bfd4d91b87c16d08fc4effc6dba
parent 385f73f0f5d38c6258a7d55038c9ceb24cd63157
author ThePyroEagle <exampleEmail@example.com> 1418335844 +0000
commiter ThePyroEagle <exampleEmail@example.com> 1418335844 +0000
What does "1418335844 +0000" at the end mean?
I thought this might be a timestamp in milliseconds, but when I parsed it I got "17 January 1970" using the following code.
Date date = new Date(1418335844L);
System.out.printf("Current Time: %s\n",
(new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMMM yyyy")).format(date));
Whatever this may be, how would I go about parsing it?
The git commit
date format states:
It is
<unix timestamp> <time zone offset>
, where:
<unix timestamp>
is the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch.<time zone offset>
is a positive or negative offset from UTC. For example CET (which is 2 hours ahead UTC) is+0200