I'm using QTableView and QStandardItemModel to show some data.
For each row, there is a column which has a check Box, this check box is inserted by setItem, the code is as follows:
int rowNum;
QStandardItemModel *tableModel;
QStandardItem* __tmpItem = new QStandardItem();
Now I want to interact with the check box. If a check box changes its state by user (from checked to unchecked or vice versa), I want to do something on the corresponding data row.
I know I can use signal-slot to catch the change of checkbox, but since there are lots of data row, I don't want to connect each row one by one.
Is there anyway to interact with the check action more effectively? Thanks :)
handle the click event, there you will get the modelindex, get the data and modify the same
if you are going to insert more than one text or icon, then you need to set the delegate for your listview