I was confused with the arguments of the lines "Instances originalTrain=" can anyone please help me to correct this error since I was new to this weka. We are creating a disease prediction system using weka in java.
import weka.classifiers.Classifier;
import weka.core.Instances;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
String rootPath="/some/where/";
Instances originalTrain= //instances here (don't know to complete this statement)
//load model
Classifier cls = (Classifier) weka.core.SerializationHelper.read(rootPath+"tree.model");
//predict instance class values
Instances originalTrain= //load or create Instances to predict (This statement too)
//which instance to predict class value
int s1=0;
//perform your prediction
double value=cls.classifyInstance(originalTrain.instance(s1));
//get the prediction percentage or distribution
double[] percentage=cls.distributionForInstance(originalTrain.instance(s1));
//get the name of the class value
String prediction=originalTrain.classAttribute().value((int)value);
System.out.println("The predicted value of instance "+
": "+prediction);
//Format the distribution
String distribution="";
for(int i=0; i <percentage.length; i=i+1)
distribution=distribution.substring(0, distribution.length()-1);
System.out.println("Distribution:"+ distribution);
For completeness, the code snippet in the question originates from Get prediction percentage in WEKA using own Java code and a model.
originalTrain should be your training instances. There are two ways that I know to add instances to originalTrain.
This method loads data from an .arff file and is based on instructions found here.
// rootPath should be where the .arff file is held
// filename should hold the complete name of the .arff file
public static Instances instanceData(String rootPath, String filename) throws Exception
// initialize source
DataSource source = null;
Instances data = null;
source = new DataSource(rootPath + filename);
data = source.getDataSet();
// set the class to the last attribute of the data (may need to tweak)
if (data.classIndex() == -1)
data.setClassIndex(data.numAttributes() -1 );
return data;
You can create and add instance manually as described in this answer Define input data for clustering using WEKA API .