I am learning freeRTOS. I need to write software interrupt ISR handler in freeRTOS for PIC32 platform (cerebot Mx7ck). I went through the documentation but no help. Please somebody help.
/* sW timer */
TimerHandle_t xSysMonTimer = NULL;
xSysMonTimer = xTimerCreate("SysMonTimer",( 500 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS),pdFALSE,0,Sys_Mon_Callback);
if( xSysMonTimer == NULL )
/* The timer was not created. */
/* Start the timer. No block time is specified, and even if one was
it would be ignored because the RTOS scheduler has not yet been
started. */
if( xTimerStart( xSysMonTimer, 0 ) != pdPASS )
/* The timer could not be set into the Active state. */
void Sys_Mon_Callback( TimerHandle_t pxTimer )
if( xTimerReset( xSysMonTimer, 10 ) != pdPASS )
/* The reset command was not executed successfully. Take appropriate
action here. */