I am using Grails 2.3.4. I am trying to retrieve a domain object with specific criteria, however I have trouble getting around when the properties are null. Here is an example.
class Domain1 {
int locationId
Domain2 domain2
Domain3 domain3
static constraints = {
locationId(nullable:false, blank:false, unique:false)
class Domain2 {
int locationId
static constraints = {
locationId(nullable:false, blank:false, unique:false)
class Domain3 {
int locationId
static constraints = {
locationId(nullable:false, blank:false, unique:false)
The query is only suppose to return a single Domain1, if the locationId is valid in Domain1, and locationId valid in Domain2 if not null, and locationId valid in Domain3 if not null.
def getDomain1ById(Long sid) {
return Domain1.createCriteria().get {
'in' ("locationId", Util.getUserAccessLocationList())
// What I want to do is if(domain2 != null) check location
or {
domain2 {
'in' ("locationId", Util.getUserAccessLocationList())
// What I want to do is if(domain3 != null) check location
or {
domain3 {
'in' ("locationId", Util.getUserAccessLocationList())
What am I missing. The query works fine if domain2 and domain3 are not null
By default, Grails criteria queries use inner joins. To achieve the conditional behavior you're after, change to left joins:
Domain1.createCriteria().get {
createAlias('domain2', 'd2', CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN)
createAlias('domain3', 'd3', CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN)
'in' ("locationId", locIds)
or {
'in' ("d2.locationId", locIds)
or {
'in' ("d3.locationId", locIds)