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User defined function to accept variable sized user selected array

Not sure if its possible, and I can't find a specific question that shows how to do this. I am basically looking to write a function that would work like the SUM (or any number of functions in Excel). The user can call the function from the spreadsheet and select a variably sized, one dimensional set of numbers from the SS as an argument. For illustrative purposes I've tried writing the following test function to learn how to do this:

Function Test(tester() As Double) As Double

MsgBox "array position 1 = " + tester(1) Test = tester(1) End Function

This is just one manifestation of the things I've tried to get this to work, but anytime I choose data from the SS as an argument to my function, it makes the cell go "#Value". I'm thinking I need to do something clever with ranges but am very new to this. It is worth noting that I can pass arrays around function behind the scenes in code, but can't master allowing the user to select the data from the SS. Any help is appreciated!


  • Try something like this

    Public Function TestFunc(TestRange As Range) As Variant
    Dim vArray As Variant
    vArray = TestRange.Value2
    If IsArray(vArray) Then
    TestFunc = vArray(1, 1)
    TestFunc = vArray
    End If
    End Function