I want to recreate the jstree by deleting all the root nodes and reading back the structure by using ajax. If I use:
and then recreate the jstree instance:
$("#tree").jstree({ "core": {"check_callback" : true} });
it draws a new jstree. I add the json information coming from the ajax, but the event listeners don't work any more when I click on the root nodes.
This is the workaround routine that works:
var ref = $("#tree").jstree(true); // get an existing instance
var nodes = ref.get_node("#").children; // -1 didn't work, so I used "#"
while (nodes.length > 0){
Is there any parameter that I am missing with the "destroy" method that will allow the event listeners connect back with the new jstree instance ?
No, that's not possible, since the destroy
function "remove all traces of jstree from the DOM and destroy all instances" (jstree documentation): that means that the jquery objects composing the jstree are actually removed and they take with them all the event listeners.
I don't know what you want to accomplish but if you need to use destroy, you will have to re-add all the listeners once again after recreating the tree.
Otherwise you should try to find a non-destructive way of doing your stuff, there usually is one, the nuke option is never a really good idea apart from very few cases.