I want to implement a debounced search with iron-router where the search query is written into the controllers state. unfortunately the only way I could get _.debounce to work is to pass it directly to the event map like so:
'keydown #search': _.debounce(function(event) {
var controller = Iron.controller();
}, 750)
unfortunately Iron.controller() doesn't know the context here so an error drops.
But if I nest the debounce inside a function to get the Iron.controller(), _.debounce never fires.
'keydown #search': function(event) {
var state = Iron.controller().state;
var q = $(event.currentTarget).val();
_.debounce(function() {
state.set("q", q);
}, 750);
Has anybody done something similar and a solution to this problem?
I'm not familiar with debounce
, but if I'm not mistaking, the following should work:
var doIt = _.debounce(function(func){
}, 750);
'keydown #search': function(event) {
var state = Iron.controller().state;
var q = $(event.currentTarget).val();
state.set("q", q);