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Null Child Element when Parsing XML with XOM

I am using XOM to parse a xml file, but I am having an issue getting an Element by string name. I am able to access each element by iterating through getChild(x) where x=0:ChildCount, but it seems silly to have to hack my way around the software where there is a built-in function to accomplish this task. Why am I getting an NPE? See the example below...I am 100% sure the parent contains a child with the exact name I am searching for. What can I do to solve this?

FileInputStream xmlFile = new FileInputStream("temp.xml");
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document doc =;
Element root = doc.getRootElement();

System.out.println(((Element)root.getChild(1)).getLocalName()); //--> prints "player"
Element player = root.getFirstChildElement(((Element)root.getChild(1)).getLocalName()); //--> null
System.out.println(player); //--> prints "null"
Element player_stats = player.getFirstChildElement("player_stats"); //--> NPE


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fantasy_content xml:lang="en-US"
time="34.230947494507ms" copyright="Data provided by Yahoo! and STATS, LLC"
refresh_rate="31" xmlns:yahoo=""
        <full>Heath Miller</full>
    <injury_note>not injury related</injury_note>
    <editorial_team_full_name>Pittsburgh Steelers</editorial_team_full_name>





  • Finally figured it out, moments after posting the question. Why does that always seem to happen?

    What I needed was the NameSpace argument. Instead of hardcoding it, I retrieved the namespace of the root node and assumed the namespaces of it's children were the same:

    String nameSpace = root.getNamespaceURI();
    // getChildElements
    Element player = root.getFirstChildElement("player",nameSpace);
    Element player_stats = player.getFirstChildElement("player_stats",nameSpace);

    Seems like XOM should be robust enough to deal with this, but I suppose it isn't.