I have been racking my brain for hours on this project. I have been searching through JSON, watching youtube videos, and searching on here for answers and still can not figure this out. I'm trying to post data into a table, using javascript objects. When it comes to posting smaller data to a table, I can do that, but not sure why I can't work with multiple objects, that are nested.
EDIT: The problem currently is that it is not posting the data in the submission form to the table when the submit button. I want to be able to add multiple entries into the table, then later add quotes and proposals.
Other aspects that would be bonus is explaining working with these types of data that contain multiple javascript objects and working with those using angular. Most documents and apis pull for one object, but not nested objects.
If you could explain why it isn't working, and let me know if this is a correct method for event attempting it. http://codepen.io/ddavisgraphics/pen/LExGNB?editors=101 Link to the codepen.
(function () {
// start the app
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller("CustomerCtrl", function () {
// Pull in the Customers
this.customers = customerArray;
// Create New Customers
this.newCustomer = {};
this.AddCustomer = function(newCust) {
customer: newCust.customer,
phone: newCust.phone,
email: newCust.email,
// start address strings
address: {
line1: newCust.line1,
city: newCust.city,
state: newCust.state,
zip: newCust.zip,
var customerArray = [
// Start Customer
customer: "John Franklin",
phone: "555.555.5551",
email: "jfranklin@franks.com",
// start address strings
address: {
line1: "Road or Po Box",
city: "Glenvilles",
state: "West Carolina",
zip: 45648,
proposals: [{
project_title: "Project Title",
type: "Graphic Design",
deadline: "Jan. 2, 2015",
delivery_type: "files",
problem: "The problem is that the customer has too much crap.",
notes: "Wants to keep the neon pink color scheme"
}, {
project_title: "Project Title II",
type: "Web Design",
deadline: "Jan. 22, 2015",
delivery_type: "online",
problem: "Another prject",
notes: "Wants neon green with the neon pink on a digital screen"
quotes: [{
quote_num: 002,
project_title: "Project Title",
type: "Graphic Design",
deadline: "Jan. 2, 2015",
billable_hrs: 11,
hourly_rate: 42.50,
external_cost: 33.99,
tax: .6,
}, ],
}, // End Customer
// Start Customer
customer: "John Franklin",
phone: "555.555.5551",
email: "jfranklin@franks.com",
// start address strings
address: {
line1: "Road or Po Box",
city: "Glenvilles",
state: "West Carolina",
zip: 45648,
proposals: [{
project_title: "Project Title",
type: "Graphic Design",
deadline: "Jan. 2, 2015",
delivery_type: "files",
problem: "The problem is that the customer has too much crap.",
notes: "Wants to keep the neon pink color scheme"
}, {
project_title: "Project Title II",
type: "Web Design",
deadline: "Jan. 22, 2015",
delivery_type: "online",
problem: "Another prject",
notes: "Wants neon green with the neon pink on a digital screen"
quotes: [{
quote_num: 001,
project_title: "Project Title - Quote",
type: "Graphic Design",
deadline: "Jan. 2, 2015",
billable_hrs: 11,
hourly_rate: 42.50,
external_cost: 33.99,
tax: .6,
}, ];
}, // End Customer
<body ng-app="app" ng-controller="CustomerCtrl as cust" >
<h2> Customers </h2>
<tr ng-repeat="customer in cust.customers">
<td> {{customer.customer}}</td>
<td> {{customer.phone}} </td>
<ul class="address">
<li> {{customer.address.line1}} </li>
<li> {{customer.address.city}}, {{customer.address.state }} , {{customer.address.zip}}</li>
<ul >
<li ng-repeat="prop in customer.proposals">{{prop.project_title}}</li>
<ul >
<li ng-repeat="quote in customer.quotes ">{{quote.quote_num}}</li>
<form novalidate class="simple-form" ng-submit="cust.AddCustomer(new)">
<h2> Add A Customer</h2>
<label> Customer Name:</label> <input type="text" ng-model="customer" /><br />
<label>Customer Email:</label> <input type="email" ng-model="email" /><br />
<label>Customer Phone:</label> <input type="text" ng-model="phone" /><br />
<label>Customer Address:</label>
<input type="text" ng-model="line1" placeholder="Address/ PO Box"/><br />
<input type="text" ng-model="city"placeholder="City" /><br />
<input type="text" ng-model="state" placeholder="State"/><br />
<input type="text" ng-model="zip" placeholder="Zip" /><br /><br/>
<button type="submit"> Submit </button>
<div class="newCustomerData">
<h2> The Customer Your Adding: </h2>
<div><strong>Name:</strong> {{customer}} </div>
<div><strong>Email:</strong> {{email}} </div>
<div><strong>Phone:</strong> {{phone}} </div>
<div><strong>Address:</strong> {{line1}}<br/> {{city}}, {{state}} {{zip}} </div>
Your passing AddCustomer(new), but your form isn't collecting input into a 'new' object. Try adjusting your ng-models to have a dot on a 'new' object:
<label> Customer Name:</label> <input type="text" ng-model="new.customer" /><br />
<label>Customer Email:</label> <input type="email" ng-model="new.email" /><br />
<label>Customer Phone:</label> <input type="text" ng-model="new.phone" /><br />
<label>Customer Address:</label>
<input type="text" ng-model="new.line1" placeholder="Address/ PO Box"/><br />
<input type="text" ng-model="new.city"placeholder="City" /><br />
<input type="text" ng-model="new.state" placeholder="State"/><br />
<input type="text" ng-model="new.zip" placeholder="Zip" /><br /><br/>