I'm trying to make a cli app in Ruby that takes a given array then then displays it as a list that I can browse with the arrow keys.
I feel like I've already seen a library in Ruby that does this already, but I can't remember the name of it.
I'm trying to reverse engineer the code from soundcloud2000 to do something similar, but his code is tightly-coupled to the use of the Soundcloud API.
I'm aware of the curses gem, I'm thinking with something with more abstraction.Ad
Has anyone seen a library that does it or some proof of concept Ruby code that could do this?
I don't know if this is what you are looking for but maybe you can use my idea.
Since I don't have more information of what you are trying to accomplish, what is your input and so on, this example will be very simple.
Let's say we have a class to work with called PlaylistDemo that will create a playlist with songs:
class PlaylistDemo
attr_accessor :position
def initialize songs
@playlist = Array.new
songs.each { |song| @playlist << song }
@position = 0
def show_playlist
@playlist.each_with_index.map do |song, index|
position == index ? "[#{song}]" : " #{song} "
Prepare some songs:
# From billboard.com
songs = [
"Taylor Swift - Blank Space",
"Mark Ronson Featuring Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk!",
"Hozier - Take Me To Church",
"Meghan Trainor - Lips Are Movin",
"Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass"
And go ahead and make an object:
pd = PlaylistDemo.new(songs)
Now my idea is to use dispel to manipulate position and see exactly where you are (and update the "UI" accordingly).
For this I've prepared a function that will make the UI for your CLI application:
def show_ui playlist_obj
["\n", playlist_obj.show_playlist, "\nCurrent position: #{playlist_obj.position + 1} "].join("\n")
Final piece of code:
Dispel::Screen.open do |screen|
screen.draw show_ui(pd)
Dispel::Keyboard.output do |key|
case key
when :up then pd.position -= 1
when :down then pd.position += 1
when "q" then break
screen.draw show_ui(pd)
You can also use colorize but for that you'll need puts
Please not that I didn't set a limit for position since this is only an example.
See my example here:
Full code: http://paste.debian.net/139651/