I have a table comments
id | comment | post_id |
1 Hey 1
2 Hey 2
3 Hey 2
4 Hey 3
5 Hey 1
I want to get 3 comments for each posts.
I did something like this below.
"select * from comments WHERE post_id IN(1,2,3) LIMIT 3"
But this yields me only 3 rows
But i want max 3 rows
for each post_id
not total 3 rows
Any help where i am going wrong ?
it is like doing partition based on post_id and then doing selection of 3 elements in that partition you can achieve this using mysql variables
select id, comment, post_id
SELECT id, comment, post_id, @row_number:=CASE WHEN @post_id=post_id THEN @row_number+1 ELSE 1 END AS row_number,
@post_id:=post_id AS varval
FROM comments
join (select @row_number := 0, @post_id := NULL ) as var
order by post_id, id
) t
where t.row_number <=3