I'm trying to import excel data into MS-access database, but it's giving me 'Syntax Error Definition'
for col_index in range(0,work_sheet.ncols):
column_value = work_sheet.cell(0,col_index).value
for row_index in range(1, work_sheet.nrows):
row_value = work_sheet.cell(row_index,col_index).value # For the same column, fetch the row data repeatedly
db.Execute("INSERT INTO my_table" [column_value] "VALUES(" & row_value & ")")
C:\Data\Database>c:\python27\python.exe My_First_DB_Code.py
File "My_First_DB_Code.py", line 32
db.Execute("INSERT INTO my_table" [column_value] "VALUES(" & row_value & ")")
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Note: I have already imported the column names from the excel sheet and now trying to import the row values, column by column
You need to use Python's string concatenation syntax, not SQL's. Try generating the SQL string separately, then printing it to make sure it's correct before making the DB call:
query_string = "INSERT INTO my_table" + str(column_value) + " VALUES( " + str(row_value) + " )"
# db.Execute(query_string)
# uncomment when you know the query is correct
The above code assumes that you want to concatenate my_table
and column_value
with no spaces between them. If, as HansUp comments, you are trying to input into a field name, set query_string
like so:
query_string = query_string = "INSERT INTO my_table ([" + str(column_value) + "]) VALUES ('" + str(row_value) + "')"