Search code examples

How to change the on-select color in ons-list-item

How do i change on-select color during tap

here is the code.

<ons-list style="background: #ef8697"  >

        modifier="tappable" class="list__item__line-height"
        onclick="app.slidingMenu.setMainPage('page1.html', {closeMenu: true})">
        <i class="fa fa-home fa-lg" style="color: #666"></i>
        &nbsp; Page 1

        modifier="tappable" class="list__item__line-height"
        onclick="app.slidingMenu.setMainPage('page2.html', {closeMenu: true})">
        <i class="fa fa-gear fa-lg" style="color: #666"></i>
        &nbsp; Page 2


go to this screenshot:

on the picture above i want to change the silver color during on-select


  • You can customize your colors at

    To change the color of tapped list items you change "Active Background Color". You can then download a CSS files with your new colors.