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How to draw a chess board in D3?

I would like to draw a chess board in D3:

Initial game position

I would be satisfied with just being able to draw the initial game position (as above).

It may be the case that one does not need image files for king, queen, knight, etc. (there are 12 distinct pieces) since they are all part of Unicode as codepoints 2654-265F:

Unicode chess symbols

The Unicode characters appear in any modern browser:

♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙

♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟

Unicode chess symbols on Wikipedia: here

Python script to display chess board in a terminal using Unicode characters: here. Its result:

enter image description here

Any pointers or help would be much appreciated.


  • Here is the codepen of the solution.

    enter image description here


    Definition of enumerated type for all chess pieces:

    var pieces = {
        NONE :          {name: "None",          code: " "}, 
        WHITE_KING :    {name: "White King",    code: "\u2654"}, 
        WHITE_QUEEN :   {name: "White Queen",   code: "\u2655"}, 
        WHITE_ROOK :    {name: "White Rook",    code: "\u2656"}, 
        WHITE_BISHOP :  {name: "White Bishop",  code: "\u2657"}, 
        WHITE_KNIGHT :  {name: "White Knight",  code: "\u2658"}, 
        WHITE_POWN :    {name: "White Pown",    code: "\u2659"}, 
        BLACK_KING :    {name: "Black King",    code: "\u265A"}, 
        BLACK_QUEEN :   {name: "Black Queen",   code: "\u265B"}, 
        BLACK_ROOK :    {name: "Black Rook",    code: "\u265C"}, 
        BLACK_BISHOP :  {name: "Black Bishop",  code: "\u265D"}, 
        BLACK_KNIGHT :  {name: "Black Knight",  code: "\u265E"}, 
        BLACK_POWN :    {name: "Black Pown",    code: "\u265F"}, 

    Board initialization:

        var board =[];
        for(var i = 0; i < boardDimension*boardDimension; i++) {
                x: i % boardDimension,
                y: Math.floor(i / boardDimension),
                piece: pieces.NONE
        board[0].piece = pieces.BLACK_ROOK
        board[1].piece = pieces.BLACK_KNIGHT
        board[2].piece = pieces.BLACK_BISHOP
        board[3].piece = pieces.BLACK_QUEEN
        board[4].piece = pieces.BLACK_KING
        board[5].piece = pieces.BLACK_BISHOP
        board[6].piece = pieces.BLACK_KNIGHT
        board[7].piece = pieces.BLACK_ROOK
        board[8].piece = pieces.BLACK_POWN
        board[9].piece = pieces.BLACK_POWN
        board[10].piece = pieces.BLACK_POWN
        board[11].piece = pieces.BLACK_POWN
        board[12].piece = pieces.BLACK_POWN
        board[13].piece = pieces.BLACK_POWN
        board[14].piece = pieces.BLACK_POWN
        board[15].piece = pieces.BLACK_POWN
        board[6*8 + 0].piece = pieces.WHITE_POWN
        board[6*8 + 1].piece = pieces.WHITE_POWN
        board[6*8 + 2].piece = pieces.WHITE_POWN
        board[6*8 + 3].piece = pieces.WHITE_POWN
        board[6*8 + 4].piece = pieces.WHITE_POWN
        board[6*8 + 5].piece = pieces.WHITE_POWN
        board[6*8 + 6].piece = pieces.WHITE_POWN
        board[6*8 + 7].piece = pieces.WHITE_POWN
        board[7*8 + 0].piece = pieces.WHITE_ROOK
        board[7*8 + 1].piece = pieces.WHITE_KNIGHT
        board[7*8 + 2].piece = pieces.WHITE_BISHOP
        board[7*8 + 3].piece = pieces.WHITE_QUEEN
        board[7*8 + 4].piece = pieces.WHITE_KING
        board[7*8 + 5].piece = pieces.WHITE_BISHOP
        board[7*8 + 6].piece = pieces.WHITE_KNIGHT
        board[7*8 + 7].piece = pieces.WHITE_ROOK

    Drawing squares:

             .style("class", "fields")
             .style("class", "rects")
             .attr("x", function (d) {
                 return d.x*fieldSize;
             .attr("y", function (d) {
                 return d.y*fieldSize;
             .attr("width", fieldSize + "px")
             .attr("height", fieldSize + "px")
             .style("fill", function (d) {
                 if ( ((d.x%2 == 0) && (d.y%2 == 0)) ||
                      ((d.x%2 == 1) && (d.y%2 == 1))    ) 
                     return "beige";
                     return "tan";

    Drawing pieces, using Unicode characters:

            .attr("x", function (d) {
                return d.x*fieldSize;
            .attr("y", function (d) {
                return d.y*fieldSize;
            .style("font-size", "40")
            .attr("text-anchor", "middle")
            .attr("dy", "35px")
            .attr("dx", "20px")
            .text(function (d) {
                return d.piece.code;
            .text(function(d) {