I am trying to create an integration test for retrieving a OneNote page. And when trying to use the LiveSDK 5.6 LiveAuthClient, my compiler is not even seeing any method named LiveAuthClient.LoginAsync(strin[]) which is mentioned in multiple answers (e.g. 1) on here as well as the MSDN :|
var authClient = new LiveAuthClient(OneNoteApiConfig.ClientID);
var result = await authClient.InitializeAsync(OneNoteApiConfig.Scopes);
if (result.Status != LiveConnectSessionStatus.Connected)
result = await authClient.LoginAsync(Scopes); // method does not exist
Any ideas?
I'm sure I am missing something obvious
There does seem to be a method called GetLoginUrl()?
Am i referencing the wrong LiveSDK?
I installed the LiveSDK 5.6 NuGet package, and the project is a .NET 4.5 Class Library project
I managed to get it to work, but had to use the GetLoginUrl(), than use Selenium to login to window live using a test account and approve the permission request, which then gets redirected with a code in the query string(..?code=xx.xxx) which i use to call the AuthClient.ExchangeAuthCodeAsync with, and get a Session which includes an AccessToken + RefreshToken, for all other tests I can use that refresh token :-) as it's valid for a year.
public async void TryAuthoriseWithMsLiveLibrary()
var authClient = new LiveAuthClient(OneNoteApiConfig.ClientID);
var result = await authClient.InitializeAsync(OneNoteApiConfig.Scopes);
var getLoginUrl = authClient.GetLoginUrl(OneNoteApiConfig.Scopes);
Console.WriteLine("\r\nGetLoginUrl = " + getLoginUrl);
// New selenium Driver
_driver = new FirefoxDriver();
//Set wait to 2 seconds by defualt
// Go to the url provided by auth client
// Try find the accept button, if automatically directed to the "Grant Permission page", otherwise try find the Login/Passwd and login first
catch (NoSuchElementException)
var un = _driver.FindElementByName("login"); // Login TextBox
var pw = _driver.FindElementByName("passwd"); // Password TextBox
var signIn = _driver.FindElementByName("SI"); // Sign-In Button
// Find a click the idBtn_Accept, if not found straight away, will implictly wait 2 seconds as set baove
var button = _driver.FindElementById("idBtn_Accept");
// Try wait until the client is successfully redirected to the url with the code
var wait = new WebDriverWait(_driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
wait.Until(d => d.Url.StartsWith("https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf"));
//example https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf?code=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx&lc=1033
catch (WebDriverTimeoutException)
Console.WriteLine("\r\nUrl = " + _driver.Url);
// Retrieve code from query string (?code=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx&...)
var code = MsLiveAuthHelper.GetSessionCodeFromRedirectedUrl(_driver.Url);
Console.WriteLine("\r\ncode = " + code);
// Try get open a session using retrieved code.
// From my uynderstanding you can only do this once with the code, as it expired after
// and need to use the refresh token from this point, or re-request a code using above procedure
var session = await authClient.ExchangeAuthCodeAsync(code);
Console.WriteLine("\r\nLiveConnectSession.AccessToken = " + session.AccessToken);
Console.WriteLine("\r\nLiveConnectSession.AuthenticationToken = " + session.AuthenticationToken);
Console.WriteLine("\r\nLiveConnectSession.Expires = " + session.Expires);
Console.WriteLine("\r\nLiveConnectSession.RefreshToken = " + session.RefreshToken);
For my other tests, res.RefreshToken
and have a TestRefreshTokenHandler : IRefreshTokenHandler
which i save it in:
public class TestRefreshTokenHandler : IRefreshTokenHandler
public Task SaveRefreshTokenAsync(RefreshTokenInfo tokenInfo)
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
Console.WriteLine("\r\nUserID = " + tokenInfo.UserId);
Console.WriteLine("\r\nRefresh Token = " + tokenInfo.RefreshToken);
public Task<RefreshTokenInfo> RetrieveRefreshTokenAsync()
return Task.FromResult(new RefreshTokenInfo(OneNoteTestConfig.OneNoteRefreshToken));
And finally in other tests:
public async void GetNewTokenByRefresh()
var authClient = new LiveAuthClient(OneNoteApiConfig.ClientID, new TestRefreshTokenHandler());
var res = (await authClient.InitializeAsync(OneNoteApiConfig.Scopes)).Session;
Console.WriteLine("\r\nLiveConnectSession.AccessToken = " + res.AccessToken);
Console.WriteLine("\r\nLiveConnectSession.AuthenticationToken = " + res.AuthenticationToken);
Console.WriteLine("\r\nLiveConnectSession.Expires = " + res.Expires);
Console.WriteLine("\r\nLiveConnectSession.RefreshToken = " + res.RefreshToken);
Hope this helps someone!