I would like to ask if it's possible to connect one association class with two associations between two classes?
Right now association class WypozyczenieSprzetu is connected only with 'Oddaje' association. I would like to connect WypozyczenieSprzetu with both 'Oddaje' i 'Wypozycza' but Visual Paradigm does not let me to do it. Do you know any idea on how to do it?
translated to english...
Source: http://www.omg.org/spec/UML/2.5/Beta2/PDF/
11.5.3 Structured Classifiers → Associations → Semantics → Association Classes
An AssociationClass is a declaration of an Association that has a set of Features of its own. An AssociationClass is both an Association and a Class, and preserves the static and dynamic semantics of both...
The way I read the above is that either
you can connect the association class
to only one line in the diagram
or you need to use N-ary Association
or you need something like this: