I have a problem. I have linebreaks and spaces and tabs in XML. Like this:
<value xs:type="DV_TEXT"><value>1111\this is what it is used for, this could be a
really long line or even
multiple lines, just like
what you are reading now
The setTextContent and getTextContent in Java from org.w3c.dom deal just fine with it. No problem.
But now, I am generating Schematron for validation to check if this string really appears in the value. The Schematron is generated from a definition file in which the test-strings are configurated
The generated Schematron, the assert-test looks like this:
test="(matches(.,'1111\this is what it is used for, this could be a really long line or even
multiple lines, just like
what you are reading now'))"
And then when I validate, there are more problems coming up.
First the linebreaks. It seems that in the definition-file from which the Schematron is generated there are \r\n
instead of only \n
But well, I have to count on that. If I replace all 

with only 

some of the errors are disappeared. And how can I be sure that the XML-file also has only 

as linebreak?
I think I need to alter the string which comes in the test asserts, and, for example, replace all \r\n
with only \n
I have done that, and it solves partly my problem. What else should I think about?
All tips are welcome.
If you want the node text to be valid regardless of its whitespace use the normalize-space function function:
The normalize-space function returns the argument string with whitespace normalized by stripping leading and trailing whitespace and replacing sequences of whitespace characters by a single space. [...]
So, this should work:
test="(matches(normalize-space(.),'1111\this is what it is used for, this could be a really long line or even multiple lines, just like what you are reading now'))