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Install Apache TomCat using Puppet

Has anyone successfully installed Apache Tomcat using Puppet? I am following the instructions on Puppets own tomcat module - but it does not work!


  • I have managed to get this working - I believe firewalls was the issue.

    node 'xx' {
      include os
      class { 'tomcat': }
      class { 'java': }
      tomcat::instance { 'test':
        source_url => ''
      }->tomcat::service { 'default': }
      Class['os'] -> Class['tomcat']
     class os {
      exec { "chkconfig_iptables":
              onlyif => "/sbin/chkconfig --level 3 iptables",
              command => "/sbin/chkconfig --level 3 iptables off",
              before => exec["kill_iptables"]
      exec { "kill_iptables":
              onlyif => "/sbin/lsmod | grep ip_tables",
              command => "/sbin/service iptables stop;/sbin/modprobe -f -r ip_tables"