How can I use alphabets as MarkerStyle
in MS Chart control using VB.Net? The defaults (square, triangle, circle, etc.) are insufficient.
Select Case UCase(strCharSymbol)
Case "+"
.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Cross
Case "0", "O"
.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Circle
Case "*"
.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Star10
Case "^"
.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Triangle
Case "#"
.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Square
Case Else
.MarkerStyle = MYCUSTOMMARKER(strCharSymbol)
End Select
The MarkerStyle
are fixed and cannot be customized. But still you can use the MarkerImage
property to set an image as an marker.
To achieve your goal, you have to create alphabet images and give their path in the MarkerImage
property. In your code, do the below change.
Case Else
.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None;
.MarkerImage = 'Path of the image