Please let me know how to change the blockUI message in real time, in the following scenario, without flickering or calling blockUI.
$.blockUI({ message: '<h1>Please wait - calculating Exposure </h1>' });
Ajax call1 CalculateExposure()
Ajax call2 CheckStatus() // Will run every 5 seconds for max 2 minutes
// Here i want to change block ui page message to checking rates,etc...
// This is calling again so page is flickering...
// $.blockUI({ message: '<h1>checking rates </h1>' });
So, I give you a more exact answer, if it was not clear. Define you first message like this:
message: '<h1 id="myMessage">Please wait - calculating Exposure </h1>'
Then, after you want to update your message, do this:
document.getElementById('myMessage').value = 'checking rates';
Or the jQuery way:
$('#myMessage').text('checking rates');
This will only change the text in the existing blockUI window!
If you have finished your long process, you can finally unblock the UI: