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FancyBox opens outside of browser/screen

I'm working on a page in which I'll have a few different groups of images that I'd like to open for a user when they click on the thumbnail, and do so in FancyBox.

I more or less have it working, but there's a major problem - all the images (1680x1050, PNGs) open at an off-screen position as though their top and left values were set in relation to the screen itself to -80% and 75%, respectively.

Translation: I only see the bottom-left quarter (at most) of the image when it opens.

I've done a good deal of searching with Google, SO, GitHub (the FB project's source), et cetera, and have yet to find a solution, or even anyone experiencing the same problem.

I'm probably missing something obvious, or at least obvious to seasoned veterans, but I'm a bit new and a bit tired. Anyone have any ideas?

On JFK's advice, I've put what I believe to be all the relevant code into a jsfiddle (something I had heard of, but never before even seen, let alone used). It can be found here:

Also, the jQuery I'm using is:

jquery 2.1.1
jQueryui 1.11.2

Please, feel free to let me know if you need more of the code. I'm new to programming; I've only just completed a two-year degree that focused on Java and SQL.

/* HTML */

<div id="content">
    <div id="content_body">
        <div id="content_left">
        </div><!--Close of content_left-->
        <div id="content_right">
            <div id="oms" class="content_block_standard">
                <div class="screenshots">

                    <a href="" class="fancybox fancybox.image" rel="oms_gallery" title="Text"><img class="thumbnail" src="" /></a>

                    <a href="" class="fancybox fancybox.image" rel="oms_gallery" title="Text"><img class="thumbnail" src="" /></a>

                    <a href="" class="fancybox fancybox.image" rel="oms_gallery" title="Text"><img class="thumbnail" src="" /></a>

                </div><!-- /screenshots -->
            </div><!-- /content_block_standard for OMS project -->
        </div><!-- /#content_right -->
    </div><!-- /#content_body -->
</div><!-- /#content -->

/* Javascript (from <head>) */

$(document).ready(function() {
        openEffect  : 'elastic'

/* CSS */

div#content {
    /* Positioning */
    margin-left:        auto;
    margin-right:       auto;
    position:           relative;
    top:                4.0em;
    margin-bottom:      16px;
    /* Sizing */
    width:              960px;
    /* Styling */
    border-top:         none;
    div#content_body {
        margin:         0;
        padding:        0;
        display:        table;
        position:       relative;
        top:            0px;
        left:           0px;
        height:         100%;
    div#content_left {
        width:          192px;
        height:         100%;
        margin-top:     0;
        display:        table-cell;
        vertical-align: top;
        position:       relative;
        top:            0px;
        left:           0px;
        padding-left:   0.4em;
        padding-right:  0.4em;
    div#content_right {
        width:          768px;
        display:        table-cell;
        vertical-align: top;
        border-radius:  8px;
    div.content_block_standard {
        width:              90%;
        margin-left:        auto;
        margin-right:       auto;
        padding:            1.0em;

div.screenshots {
    text-align:         center;
    margin-left:        auto;
    margin-right:       auto;
    background:         linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,0.0),rgba(0,0,0,0.0),rgba(22,122,222,0.2));
    padding:            4px;

img.thumbnail {
    width:              128px;
    height:             auto;


  • Turns out, I was missing something obvious, I was not including all the relevant code for anyone to help me (newbie mistake), and was failing to pay attention to that little red X in Chrome's Element Inspector.

    I had the path to FancyBox's stylesheet wrong. That's was all it was.