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Tiles not showing up properly in WP8.1 Silverlight app

I recently converted my Windows Phone 8.0 app to Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight (not universal). Afterwards I changed the Notification Service to WNS because I want to use its benefits. With changing this I have to specify my tile logos in the new Package.appxmanifest file.

<m3:VisualElements DisplayName="Time Stamp Pro" 
    Description="Work time tracker" 
<m3:DefaultTile Square71x71Logo="Assets\Tiles\Square71x71Logo.png" 
<m3:SplashScreen Image="Assets\Splashscreen\SplashScreenImage.jpg" />

My file structure looks as follows.

Assets file structure

But when I now start the app those logos/tiles are not showing up. In other words they cannot be loaded.

Tile shown after deployed

All of the logos are white with a transparent background. They look like this (screenshot taken from so the squares in the background are just from this drawing tool)

enter image description here

I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here. All the documentation didn't help me so far.


  • After getting in contact with the appropriate people at Microsoft I know why it isn't working. Scaled resources (images with scale-xxx as part of the file name) are not supported in WP8.1 Silverlight. They require a new resources concept which is only available in Windows Universal apps. So I have to stick to the old images that I used in WP8.0 and reference them without scale-xxx.