I want to draw 2 rectangles that superimpose on one another. One of which I want it a smaller size(A) than the other one (B) so that I can view the one at the back(B).
procedure DrawRectangle(drawDC:HDC;cellBrush:TBrush);
gridCellRect, gridCellRect1 :Trect ;
gridCellRect.Top := 75;
gridCellRect.Bottom := 150;
gridCellRect.Left := 192;
gridCellRect.right := 200;
SetBkMode(drawDC, OPAQUE);
cellBrush.color := claqua;
Windows.FillRect(DrawDC, gridCellRect, cellBrush.Handle);
gridCellRect1 := gridCellRect;
// I tried to modify the top position to make it visible
gridCellRect1.Top := gridCellRect -5;
cellBrush.color := clBlack;
Windows.FillRect(DrawDC, gridCellRect, cellBrush.Handle);
You've got your colors reversed (you're drawing in the wrong order), your gridCellRect.Left
and gridCellRect.Right
are far too narrow (8 pixels), and you don't need the call to SetBkMode
at all.
In addition, you've got an error in gridCellRect - 5
(which won't even compile), and you never try to draw to the rectangle defined in gridCellRect1
even if it did. (Your second call to FillRect
uses gridCellRect
instead of gridCellRect1
Here's a corrected version of the code that should get you started:
procedure DrawRectangle(drawDC:HDC;cellBrush:TBrush);
gridCellRect, gridCellRect1 :Trect ;
gridCellRect.Top := 75;
gridCellRect.Bottom := 150;
gridCellRect.Left := 125; // Changed left and right to widen
gridCellRect.right := 200;
cellBrush.color := clBlack;
Windows.FillRect(DrawDC, gridCellRect, cellBrush.Handle);
gridCellRect1 := gridCellRect;
gridCellRect1.Top := gridCellRect.Top + 5;
gridCellRect1.Bottom := gridCellRect.Bottom - 5;
cellBrush.color := clAqua;
Windows.FillRect(DrawDC, gridCellRect1, cellBrush.Handle);
Tested with
procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
DrawRectangle(Canvas.Handle, Canvas.Brush);