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Folding multiple signals with foldp

I'm trying to use foldp with the result of the input function that combines two signals.

Here is the code I have.

import Graphics.Element (..)
import Graphics.Collage (..)
import Color (..)
import Signal
import Keyboard
import Text (asText)
import Time (..)

-- Display
render : (Int, Int) -> Element
render (xDiff, yDiff) = collage 200 200 [
                          rotate (degrees (toFloat yDiff))
                          (filled blue (ngon 5 (10 * toFloat xDiff))) ]

-- Combine two signals to be a pair
input = Signal.map2 (,) (fps 25) Keyboard.arrows

-- Fold past combined signals from input and pass resulting signal to render
main : Signal Element
main = render
           (Signal.foldp (\dir (upd, {x, y}) ->
                        (x + dir.x, y + dir.y)) (0,0) input)

-- Fold past Keyboard.arrows and pass resulting signal to render
--main : Signal Element
--main = render
--           (Signal.foldp (\dir (x, y) ->
--                        (x + dir.x, y + dir.y)) (0,0) Keyboard.arrows)

And the error I get:

Type mismatch between the following types on line 34, column 55 to 60:
       (Float, { x : Int, y : Int })

       { a |   x : Int, y : number }

   It is related to the following expression:


Type mismatch between the following types on line 34, column 26 to 46:

       { a |   x : Int, y : number }


   Looks like something besides an Int or Float is being used as a number.
   It is related to the following expression:

       (x + dir.x,y + dir.y)

Type mismatch between the following types on line 34, column 26 to 46:


       { a |   x : number, y : number }

   It is related to the following expression:

       (x + dir.x,y + dir.y)`

In main I can replace render with asText and get a similar error so I think that even though there might be issues with render handling input I think there is also a problem with the function I am using with foldp.


  • TL;DR

    Here's the correct code for main:

    main : Signal Element
    main = render
               (Signal.foldp (\(upd, dir) (x, y) ->
                            (x + dir.x, y + dir.y)) (0,0) input)

    Finding the solution

    There is a problem with your types. So let's looks at some types:

    foldp : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Signal a -> Signal b
    input : Signal (Float, {x : Int, y : Int})
    render : (Int, Int) -> Element
    main : Signal Element

    Within the definition of main the problem seems to originate from foldp, so let's make the type of the foldp more specific within the context of main. render is mapped over the output, so b should be (Int, Int), which corresponds with the (0,0) initial value. a should be like the input. So for the specific foldp in main you have:

    foldp :  ((Float, {x : Int, y : Int}) -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)) -- the function
          -> (Int, Int) -- the initial value
          -> Signal (Float, {x : Int, y : Int}) -- the input
          -> Signal (Int, Int) -- the output

    Ok, so we know what type the function argument of foldp should have. But what wrong type does the current function have?

    (\dir (upd, {x, y}) -> (x + dir.x, y + dir.y)) : {recordExt1 | x : number, y : number'} -> (something, {recordExt2 | x : number, y : number'}) -> (number, number')

    Hmm.. That looks too complicated. Let's simplify with some assumptions. * We probably don't need extended records so take recordExt1 = recordExt2 = {}. * The two numbers are likely Ints. * The something is the first in a tuple with a record of x and y, so that must be the Float from the input signal.

    -- simplified type of inline function
    { x : Int, y : Int} -> (Float, { x : Int, y : Int}) -> (Int, Int)
    -- function deduced from specialised `foldp` type
    (Float, {x : Int, y : Int}) -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)

    Those look similar. The first and second argument to the function are swapped, and the second argument should be a tuple of integers instead of a record with integers x and y.


    You can see how the other definition of main in comments was working, but then you changed the (x,y) to {x,y} and added the (upd,...) around the wrong argument.

    Last note

    If you're not actually planning on using the time deltas from fps 25, you can also use:

    input = Signal.sampleOn (fps 25) Keyboard.arrows
    main = render
           (Signal.foldp (\dir (x, y) ->
                        (x + dir.x, y + dir.y)) (0,0) input)

    This gives you almost the same behaviour.