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Understanding basic variable concepts

I'm having difficulties understanding the swapping of variables. There are many helpful threads explaining how to actually do it, but I am having difficulties understanding it. The example I'm talking about is:

var a = 1;
    b = 2;
    c = a;
a = b;
b = c;

In my (very basic) understanding I read that in plain english as: the variable c per declaration holds whatever the variable a is pointing at. Since we assign a = b after the declaration, shouldn't the next assignment make b hold the value 2 (because c is pointing at a which we just assigned to b)?


  • JavaScript is call/assign by value (more specifically, call/assign by sharing) I.e. when you assign a variable to another variable, the value of the variable is copied. Assigning a new value to a variable never changes the value of another variable. There is no implicit link between them.

    A bit more visual: Assuming that b holds the value v, then after a = b, we have

    b -> v
    a -> v

    You seem to think that we have a -> b -> v instead, which is not the case.

    In your example:

    c = a; // c now holds the value 1
    a = b; // a now holds the value 2
    b = c; // b now holds the value 1