This is my first time to deal with in-app billing in android, I want to know If I want to use monthly subscription to my application, is the option of auto-renew subscription in on by default, or user should do something in his/her google wallet account to allow auto-renew subscription in my app
Yes, it is recurring by default. When user buys subscription, it automatically recurs based on an interval you specify in Developer Console, and User can cancel at any time.
After users have purchased subscriptions, they can view the subscriptions and cancel them from the My Apps screen in the Play Store app or from the app's product details page in the Play Store app.
Billing continues indefinitely at the interval and price specified for the subscription. At each subscription renewal, Google Play charges the user account automatically, then notifies the user of the charges afterward by email. For monthly and annual subscriptions, billing cycles will always match subscription cycles, based on the purchase date.