I imported my posts from blogger to my jekyll blog using this instructions. Unfortunetly it's in pure HTML format not in my jekyll's template post like those created by octopress. I'm looking for any ways to do that and I found this. After installing blogger2jekyll I got "command not found: blogger2jekyll" message. Any advice?
Thanks from advance!
As your message says : Please try running this command again as root/Administrator
sudo npm install -g blogger2jekyll
Edit: I see in your comment that your symlink is at /usr/local/bin/bin/blogger2jekyll
If /usr/local/bin/bin/blogger2jekyll path/to/xml destination/path
runs correctly, it's a PATH problem.
The you can /usr/local/bin/bin
to your path with a :
export PATH=/usr/local/bin/bin:$PATH