I have an issue I'm using device APIs the problem is device.uuid can be available after document ready and the sencha touch load app.js before document be ready so what I get when I use device.uuid in sencha code it appear null
tried to call this function by
<body onload="allJs();">
function allJs(){
document.write('<script src="all.js"><\/script>');
if I put document .write before the on load function sencha app load perfectly without device.uuid
<body onload="allJs();">
document.write('<script src="all.js"><\/script>');
function allJs(){
//document.write('<script src="all.js"><\/script>');
what should I do
you can get script asynchronously by using this functions
function lazyload() {
var scriptTag = document.createElement('script');
scriptTag.src = "//my_example.js"; // set the src attribute
scriptTag.type = 'text/javascript'; // if you have an HTML5 website you may want to comment this line out
scriptTag.async = true; // the HTML5 async attribute
var headTag = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
and for phonegap or cordova ready use
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function(){
}, false);
you can use jQuery getScript function or create it by yourself, see the links in sources
sources :