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JNI UnsatisfiedLinkError even after everything compiles good

I started looking into Java's JNI feature. I followed this [tutorial][1]. So my class goes like this :

    package me.gagan.pheonix.natve;
    public class HelloJNI {
        static {
        private native void sayHello();
        public static void main(String... args) {
        new HelloJNI().sayHello();

HelloJNI.c file like this:

    \#include <jni.h>
    \#include <stdio.h>
    \#include "me_gagan_pheonix_natve_HelloJNI.h"
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_HelloJNI_sayHello(JNIEnv *env, jobject thisObj) {
       printf("Hello World in native C!\n");

My directory structure is:

│   ├───me
│   │   └───gagan
│   │       └───pheonix
│   │           └───natve
│   │               └───HelloJNI.class
│   ├───resources
│   │   └───hello.dll
│   ├───me_gagan_pheonix_natve_HelloJNI.h
│   └───HelloJNI.c
    │   └───gagan
    │       └───pheonix
    │           └───natve
    │               └───

I also added


But still error is coming. Any idea what is going wrong. Followed each step correctly. Following commands worked for me

    gcc -Wl,--add-stdcall-alias -I"%JAVA_HOME%\include" -I"%JAVA_HOME%\include\win32" -shared -o hello.dll HelloJNI.c

    echo %JAVA_HOME%

    javah -verbose -jni -classpath . me.gagan.pheonix.natve.HelloJNI


Exception encountered is :

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: me.gagan.pheonix.natve.HelloJNI.sayHello()V
    at me.gagan.pheonix.natve.HelloJNI.sayHello(Native Method)
    at me.gagan.pheonix.natve.HelloJNI.main(


Hi anybody having any suggestions ??


  • package me.gagan.pheonix.natve;
    public class HelloJNI {
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_HelloJNI_sayHello(JNIEnv *env, jobject thisObj) {

    You've changed the package name after you generated the .h file with javah. Do it again, and adjust the function name in the .c file accordingly, to agree with the declaration in the .h file.