I am stacking at how to fire stickit onSet event by custom event.
In the code below,colorChange
event is properly occurring and all bindings(stickit) events work properly as well but onSet
Could someone point out where the wrong point is?
bindings: {
'#color1': {
observe: 'color1',
update : function($el,val){
onSet : function(){
//never get fired
events : ["colorChange"]
events : {
"colorChange" : function(){
//the event is occurring
<!-- in the html -->
<div id="color1"></div>
this is bit hacky though I've found a way to make it.
stickit 2way binding works only on form element and element which has contenteditable="true"
like @mavarazy mentioned.
before calling stickit()
set the div into <div contenteditable="true"></div>
bindings: {
'#color1': {
observe: 'color1',
initialize : function($el){
update : function($el,val){
onSet : function(){
//gets the event
events : ["colorChange"]
delete the attribute not to let it real editable element after initializing and it works as 2way binding now.