let the local date time be local : Mar 10 2014 11:52:50 GMT+0530
converting it to utc epoch time in javascript:
var epochtime=Date.UTC(2014,2,10,11,52,50);
output : 1394452370000
now converting it back to local date:
var utcSeconds =1394452370000;
var d = new Date(0); // The 0 there is the key, which sets the date to the epoch
output : Fri Jun 09 46158 06:03:20 GMT+0530
but required output is : Mar 10 2014 11:52:50 GMT+0530
please could someone figure out what the problem is ..?
Milliseconds != seconds. You're getting a value in milliseconds, but then using it as seconds.
To turn your value back into a date, simply:
var d = new Date(1394452370000);
var epochtime=Date.UTC(2014,2,10,11,52,50);
var d = new Date(epochtime);
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