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Image is draggable only on x Axis

Using kinetic-v4.7.2.min.js library how to allow the image draggable only on X Axis ? can anyone help me? In this fiddle, i want house image draggable horizontally.

HTML Code:

<h5>Drag the icon from the toolbar to the Kinetic.Stage<br>This creates new Kinetic.Images</br>The images on the stage are draggable.</h5>
<div id="toolbar">
    <img id="house" width=32 height=32 src="">
<div id="container"></div>

JS Code:

// get a reference to the house icon in the toolbar
// hide the icon until its image has loaded
var $house = $("#house");

// get the offset position of the kinetic container
var $stageContainer = $("#container");
var stageOffset = $stageContainer.offset();
var offsetX = stageOffset.left;
var offsetY =;

// create the Kinetic.Stage and layer
var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({
    container: 'container',
    width: 350,
    height: 350
var layer = new Kinetic.Layer();

// start loading the image used in the draggable toolbar element
// this image will be used in a new Kinetic.Image
var image1 = new Image();
image1.onload = function () {
image1.src = "";

// make the toolbar image draggable
    helper: 'clone',

// set the data payload
$"url", "house.png"); // key-value pair
$"width", "32"); // key-value pair
$"height", "33"); // key-value pair
$"image", image1); // key-value pair

// make the Kinetic Container a dropzone
    drop: dragDrop,

// hangle a drop into the Kinetic container
function dragDrop(e, ui) {

    // get the drop point
    var x = parseInt(ui.offset.left - offsetX);
    var y = parseInt( - offsetY);

    // get the drop payload (here the payload is the image)
    var element = ui.draggable;
    var data ="url");
    var theImage ="image");

    // create a new Kinetic.Image at the drop point
    // be sure to adjust for any border width (here border==1)
    var image = new Kinetic.Image({
        name: data,
        x: x,
        y: y,
        image: theImage,
        draggable: true


  • The dragboundFunc can be used to constraint user's dragging (for example, constrained horizontally)

    dragboundFunc is declared inside the object:

    var image = new Kinetic.Image({
        name: data,
        x: x,
        y: y,
        image: theImage,
        draggable: true,
        // restrict to allow horizontal dragging only
        dragBoundFunc: function(pos) {
            return {
              x: pos.x,
              y: this.getAbsolutePosition().y